Your Ign: Ducky_Puppy Their Ign: Soldier2000 Offense: Giving personal info to other people Evidence: Screenshots Below
Yes but that is my other Skype. I don't want to be ddosed or anything by this person. Please take Proper Action Mods. Thanks
He only sent it to me THROUGH SKYPE, as I was asking for it, then you gave it to me in the end. He didn't give anyone besides myself your Skype, he only got it because you were in our Skype conversation last night anyway.
Ducky you're just trying to get people in trouble, quit it seriously, I only gave Defqonaught it because I thought he didn't see it so I gave it to him through skype. So quit trying to find reasons TO GET everyone! in trouble and mind your own business. I GAVE HIM THE SKYPE NAME YOU PUT IN MINECRAFT.
I have been getting a lot of threats in the pass 3 days. I really don't want people to know my Skype name and when people start giving it to people I really don't think they have the right to because it is my personal information.
May not be directly related but my name is mentioned in your screenshot, so I am still connected to this, but Soldier shouldn't be banned/muted or whatever the consequence may be, as he didn't give anyone but me your Skype name in Skype, not Minecraft.
If you didn't want anyone knowing your Skype name, then why say it on Minecraft then? You can still be DDOS through it, so it doesn't make a difference which Skype is given out.
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