Noobcrew today during the 6pm i got kicked and lost everything in kit pvp i spent like 5 hours on getting i got kicked for like host it said And I lost complety everything Protection Iv Armour Sharpness 5 Fire 2 NB 2 and power 5 bow help it kicked almost everyone in my call we all lost all of are armour
If you get kick only your amour pops i lost alot of sets like this but you cant lose your sword and bow.....
Simple, while you were PVPing you were kicked and your armor popped off. When you got back on someone killed you. I'm pretty sure you can just find a new Protection IV set, sword, and bow. Maybe you shouldn't wear the rest of your armor if you know you're going to get kicked while PVPing next time..
Zsim i didnt know i was gonna get kicked it was Random so how woulld i know if ima be kicked it was a ramdom kick at a ramdom time
No evidence was given to us. So I cannot deal with this, sorry. Locking and Archiving due to inactivity and lack of evidence.