Your ingame name: Skydiver27 The offender's ingame name: kzhalps A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flashing Killaura Evidence/screenshots:
Its really hard to till but at 0.09 to 0.08 seconds of the video it was a really sharp turn he toke into i think that mostly proves you're evidence. Also i noticed i say a person named nate using hacks this report could intake multiple bans great job.
I do see kill aura in a few spots of this, but I would like other opinions before I make a move. Take a look at 0:30 Watch it in .5 speed if it is hard to tell, you can see it clear as day there.
Archiving and Locking, due to staff not spotting hacks. If you happen to receive valid evidence, please make another thread providing it. Thank you for the report, Skydiver27!