Your ingame name: God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name: Oniontacobean and PrattGamezYT A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Harassment(saying im adopted and i have no friends Evidence/screenshots.
lol you forgot the part where you started it with profanity while I calmly said nothing inappropriate.
really dude before you do this what did you say to us don't you dare do this you are straight up LYING i swear i will do everything in my power to make your life a living hell if you don't post what happened before you LYING SCUMBAG
Well firstly, we can't see the names, and we can't barely see the writing, I suggest you take a better picture of them swearing at you but aim the camera or whatever device at the chat so we'll see it.
Well if he did swear at you, you should of provided evidence so you can get him warned/banned, but I think it's to late for that now.
i said stuff but nothing about you being adopted or anything like that so please stop commenting and let the mods handle it
If you did call them something, you might as well own up, before you get yourself into more trouble, because they said that you actually called them a name then when they responded you screenshotted it.
i didnt say anything about their life i said how they suck at pvping thats it and they brought out adoption card which tech i am cuz i live with my aunt and uncle cuz parents wacky. thats alittle messed up dont you think
im not lying and i wont and nothing is turnin on me and jadey they started thats why i reported to get all this to stop