Your ingame name: LDM77 The offender's ingame name: MotoMant A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He/She used a lava bucket to kill me twice as well as Kundog7 and e45lucky. Evidence/screenshots. It's giving me an error uploading a file.. Attempting another way... This was the first time he lava'd me. The second time (I accidentally hit F1 just before F2 so it doesn't show much...). And the other two guys.
you have weepcraft which is a hacked client and i get jailed for a week cause kroniql is a robbing fag that lies and i have been told multiple times no onelikes
and there is one proof of me even dealing with lava when there is u burning not showing my name. and just cause it say tried to swim in lava to escape me doesnt mean i did it anyone could have done it i just hit him last. and the burnt to crisp was fire aspect
MotoMant; Not like you deserve an explanation, but I'll dumb things down for you so that you can understand them. There is no reason for someone to lava themselves to blame someone for the "crime." Let alone being 1 space away from someone who was on fire outside of the PVP area holding a bucket. As for the other two guys getting lava'd by you; that's not fire aspect. It would have stated they had burnt to a crisp. Lying will get you nowhere; nor will disrespecting staff. You're lucky it's only 7 days.
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