Your ingame name: Tomlou4321 The offender's ingame name: Rango546 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Insult me , Admit he got strength 2 illegal item Evidence/screenshots. Insult : please ban this guy :(
Strength 2 is not illegal. There's no rules that states it's not illegal to make or have. You can make a Strength 2 Potion on OP PvP and it's not hard to do so.
WE recently discussed it and it is illegal. At the moment we are not banning for it, just warning and confiscating all items (From what I heard).
How is it illegal when you can get it easily? If it's illegal then Cypriot should just take out the brewing stands.
I didn't come up with the idea, I just heard from another staff that we are warning people not to do this for time being.
5zig pvp mod isnt a hack ... yes it is beefy warning and took a lot of strength on people fréquent texture pack with my modif
How its not allowed ? Because when you have a sharp 30 and Strngth 2 you have to hit 2-3 time to kill someone . Did you really think its not illégal ?
I didn't think it's not illegal as you can make it as the brewing stands are in the map, the instant health pots come in a kit, you get Blaze Rods in a kit so yea I thought they were legal as they are in the game but after Moderators clearing it up with Cypriot it's now illegal.
I agree strength is illegal tots I died this Titan 2 shot me with it and my helm was down and I had gapple effect on it is illegal
I went in game for an hour or so yesterday letting everyone in the chat know that the StrengthII pots were approved by Cypriot. It wasn't offfical until yesterday. Maybe it's time to make a thread about it.