Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: DogBarks Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: The Lobby and Forums. Description of the bug and/or glitch: When you sign up for the forums, it will ask you for a capatcha (obviously to make bots go away). It will ask you to type /key in the lobby and to insert the key into the capatcha box and you will be signed up. However, in the Lobby, you do not have any perms (or at least I don't have any perms, I'm MVP rank) to use /key. I had to ask one of the Moderators to help me get the key so I could sign up. Video/screenshot of the glitch: Steps to reproduce the glitch: There aren't really any steps, I don't know if any other rank is able to do this but MVPs can't for sure. I just can't do /key ingame to sign up for the Forums.