My Ign> "Novy/NovaPhd" Offender's Ign> "Aodviper" "Towney" Rule Broken> Use of Prohibited Client (This could mean Kill Aura, Trigger Bot, Auto Crits) Evidence> (I sometimes submit my post here before my video has finished uploading, if the links don't work please be patient thank you) Towny is a difficult one, and not as easy to notice, particularly if you're too lazy to watch the entire video very obviously defining characteristics of aura appear at 9:00 for them. As for Aodviper it's quite simple. AGAIN THE VIDEO MAY BE UPLOADING (like here):
Aodviper has already been banned, at what time of the vid can I see Towney hacking? (Since Clarity's a sleep, I met as well do it)
Probably most obvious is at 9:00 But if that doesn't suffice as evidence you can always look through the rest of the video he's constantly toggling aura the entire time.
Aodviper has already been banned. I can't spot any hacks from Towney, some times it looks fishy but not enough evidence to be sure. Thank you for the report.