Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: G0LD__ The offender's exact ingame name: xJackkk A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: On my sky block island, I have a private sheep farm. People have been breaking in and using it and I caught xJackkk abusing his ability to use /jump to get in. He still the profits of the sheep inside the farm using a glitch. I believe that /jump is a glitch because the purpose of it isn't meant to be to break into restricted areas. He reported me for blackmail for things I shouldn't have said, but I was sick of people breaking in. The rule xJackkk violated is griefing; the sheep were in a private area and part of my island, which xJackkk killed. He did not have access to my island and my island was locked, so he was TPd by a friend. He wasn't supposed to be on my island, and killed my animals. Evidence/full screenshots: The screenshots are on the archive of the blackmail report in archives. It shows xJackkk clearly in the chamber of my private sheep farm on my locked island, but without any sheep left
I'm sorry this happened, but it's not against the rules. If you believe this player is targeting/harassing you, and/or breaking any rule: please report him with evidence of a rule being broken. Closing.