Hi! Iv'e heard alot of people have this problem and would like to see if anyone can fix this problem for me. I bought God rank (YES!) and the rank works fine, the only problem is that in Tab and above my Head my name is pink (Elite.) When i chat it says god. If anyone knows how to fix this issue please tell me. -Chimp
You will likely stay pink. For some reason, typically you will stay the color of your original purchased rank. Occasionally someone's color will change, but its pretty rare.
As far as I know its site wide. On some servers I'm yellow even though I've never been anything lower than MVP. So I honestly don't know.
This is purely graphical and actually makes no difference to your game play but if you want to you can email [email protected] explainning the situation along with evidence.
The Prefix Colors Are Kinda Messed up i will include a gazyo picturehttps://gyazo.com/cc8b7a91056cc4c9a199ddd4fd0c3b62