Ingame name:changeh Offenders name: Vicesmith_ How they broke the rules: Griefing/tricking me Evidence:some screenshots Vicesmith_ has been saying he would get me a premium account on minecraft. On skyblock I have given him 2k and 1 stack obsidian, 5 stacks of cobble yet I receive nothing for like the next 2 hours. The reason I have no proof that it has came now, is that some one kindly has brought me one after being griefed. I have screenshots of me paying him and saying to sit back and watch as it comes. I do not have proof of me giving him my obsidian or cobble. :/ I will get more proof of him admitting to it. Try to today(if he does come on). Thank you for reading. :D
Hello Changeh. This report does not have enough evidence sadly. There is no screenshot of the money being transacted and/or the 1 stack obsidian and 5 stacks of cobble being given to Vicesmith_ so unless more evidence is provided, this report is incomplete.
You are Vicesmith_... Also, click on the second and first pictures and you will see the part where you agreed to it, and when Changeh paid you.
Well ok. If Changeh wants, i'll give her back all of her stuff. I just don't want to get banned. Please. I will come online now, if she comes online as well, Or BlueberryWaffle can come online and i will give him the things. Then he would cooperatively give Changeh her stuff when she comes online? Please
I am going to get him to return the money, but should I still ban him? He has already done this a few other times to other people.
Come online then. :/ And give EVERYTHING you have taken. I will record it You said you werent going to grief me, promised. Wtf dude
I want the money returned. However, do NOT make trades that involved in world currency. That is NOT banable. All I can give is a warning to Vicesmith. If someone guarantees a rank for in game money, and you don't receive the rank, that was taken at your own risk. Sorry.