Your ingame name: iZaphii The offender's ingame name: kharm3llo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He did not listen to me after i simply said to him to get off my island and he did not get off it. Evidence/screenshots.
Well he can't get banned for not leaving your island, but the only thing that doesn't make sense is how he got there, he either glided or used your warp, unfortunately we can't do anything about this until we find out how he got there.
iZaphii told me that he went to his shop warp then did /jump across into his island and killed all his cows. Which is classified as grieffing right? ~Magiicx_
You just said that iZaphii did /jump and killed all his cows then he said "that's right, I have no more cows!" Which means that this kharm3llo did not do anything bad besides either warping to his island or either gliding, but my main point is that he killed his own cows, that's his choice, as long as it's his stuff, he can do whatever he wants with it.
Well he couldn't of unless he hacked, but the thing is though we have no evidence of him killing the cows or him either getting to his island.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.