Inwas just playing recently on the GTA server and there werent many people on the server. 53 people on he while server. So i went into rtp in GTA and whilst fighting, the game stopped working. Then the game crashed. lost my donor weapons. Torch, Chainsaw, And Arrow. (i have proof i owned them.) and now i cant connect to the server. I would like a return of the donor weapons and i would like the bug to be fixed. I will post a screenshot of me and my donor weapons in a minute since im writing this on my phone and the screenshots are on my computer. If i could get a refund on the donor weapons i would thank you a million. Thanks. UPDATE: i was told that there was a problem with ddos protection. So that is the reason my game had crashed.
I'm sorry, Mineverse doesn't do refunds. Sometimes things like this happens. We just aren't equipped to do refunds.