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  • Scorv
    Last Activity:
    Apr 30, 2023
    Jul 29, 2014
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    Received: Given:
    Like 2,632 3,512
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    your DMs
    Gaming til I die

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    Gaming Warlord, Male, from your DMs


    The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma Apr 24, 2023

    Scorv was last seen:
    Apr 30, 2023
      1. Moni
        miss you :( ❤️
      2. abbie
        come back we need our head regional manager back
      3. Qwiby
        oh :I
        we'll all miss ya mate
      4. benji
      5. fran
        NOO You looked like a nice guy why didnt you demote @i_am_youtuber and left the staff team like a boss

        JK I didn't actually know you but from the messages it looks like you were great. Btw, that purple looks AMAZING on u
        1. View previous comments...
        2. Quertiss
          We could still take care of the demoting part if you want us to
          Mar 23, 2019
        3. fran
          Mar 23, 2019
        4. BertBerry
          Please reban him
          Mar 24, 2019
      6. sharm00ta
        thank you mate for everything !
        1. Scorv likes this.
      7. FearTheKlowns
        Welp. So long man. Thank you.
        1. Scorv likes this.
      8. trinityy
        just ing left man
        1. Scorv likes this.
      9. Purge
        Great sr mod, Thank you for your service ;)
        1. Scorv likes this.
      10. Sparky
        Purple looks pretty on you
        1. Scorv likes this.
      11. WiiTarded
        1. Scorv likes this.
      12. Simons4u
        WHY SCORV whyyyy,
        :( You did a lot for the players and the server here on Mineverse And I thank you for that and you’ve also been here a awhile so it’s sad to see you go. :( Please play overwatch with me and Abbie some time, so we can make some fun memories together. :) You will be missed, very much.
        1. Scorv likes this.
      13. Ordi
        There's always an end to everything :(

        Thank you so much for all you've done on this server man. Not only, thank you for the memories spent together throughout the years on Infection. If I had never met you, quite frankly, I would've never became a moderator in the first place.

        Once again, thank you for everything you brought to everyone over the years; your comedic jokes, your sense of humor and your dedication.
        1. Scorv likes this.
      14. Porky
        no sir
        1. Scorv likes this.
        2. Porky
          be back for ur like 69th application plz
          Mar 13, 2019
      15. Quertiss
        1. Scorv likes this.
      16. Moni
        Thank you so much for everything Scorv <3 You were an amazing mentor and did so much for Mineverse. Going to miss you :( I wish you the best in the life :)
        1. Scorv likes this.
      17. Gabe
        NO YOUR JOKING STOP. THERES NO F***ING WAY YOU ARE LEAVING. bro I have no words man, you are funny asf and when I was applying for mod you always helped me out and supported me. i remember in the old days you having mod, was fun.
        1. Scorv likes this.
        2. Gabe
          who am i gonna too if I need advice now man. wait does this mean im regional manager! In all serious this has to be a joke if not thank you so so much for your service. you’ve been here for so long and done so much. msg me on discord you idiot.
          Mar 12, 2019
      18. CuthbertDePhil
      19. Max
        Thank you, Scor. I’ve known you for years and I can say you’re a pretty cool guy and a great mod. Mineverse was lucky to have you for so long. Best of luck in the future man
        1. Scorv likes this.
      20. ATruePitato
        Wait....your leaving?? Don't go!!

        We'll miss you so much here at Mineverse, thank you so much for your service if your leaving!! We'll really miss you.
        1. Scorv likes this.
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    • About

      your DMs
      Gaming til I die

      Greetings, and welcome.
      My in-game name is Scorvix, you can also call me by one of my nicknames: Scorthiccccc, Scor, Scorvy, Scorvypoo or Scorv.


      Applied for Moderator:
      8th of February 2015

      Promoted to Moderator:
      27th of July 2015

      Demoted from Moderator:
      1st of August 2015
      Applied for Moderator:
      1st of September 2015

      Promoted to Moderator:
      12th of September 2015

      Resigned from Moderator:
      9th of February 2016
      Applied for Moderator:
      28th of August 2016

      Promoted to Moderator:
      24th of September 2016

      Demoted from Moderator:
      25th of May 2017
      Applied for Moderator
      22nd of August 2017

      Promoted to Moderator
      16th of December 2017
      Promoted to Senior Moderator
      24th of June 2018
      Resigned from Senior Moderator
      3rd of March 2019
























