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  • Brant Rogers
    Last Activity:
    Jun 30, 2019
    Oct 12, 2013
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    April 6

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    Brant Rogers

    Active Member, Male

    Brant Rogers was last seen:
    Jun 30, 2019
      1. l0wkey
        Ok so I'm in trial for tping IAFF to our base eh? I didn't even know till yesterday a responsible co-owner yesterday told me. kthxbai bruh.
        1. Brant Rogers
          Brant Rogers
          I understood im pretty sure you were repromoted @Meowmix
          Nov 11, 2014
      2. l0wkey
        1. Brant Rogers
          Brant Rogers
          Nov 8, 2014
      3. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        Your point being?
        1. Discdog1000
          Oct 17, 2014
        2. Brant Rogers
          Oct 17, 2014
      4. Discdog1000
        lol you have 25 messages and i have 240 xD
      5. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        Go to my information to see the full story as to why my fac names are always Vipers and the history about me
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      6. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        Alright so felt like updating, I'm quitting MV for a bit (or forever)...
      7. Discdog1000
        "Awsesomness is givving me the death stair" -brant2 2k14
        1. Brant Rogers likes this.
        2. Brant Rogers
          Brant Rogers
          Lol it's true he was :)
          Aug 4, 2014
      8. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        If you looking for money on prison, exc. (other than factions) I'll be willing to make a deal. If you want to make a deal comment.
        1. Brant Rogers
          Brant Rogers
          Comment on where the money is going what we are trading for and I'll comment back.
          Jul 23, 2014
        2. Ezekiel Zeke
          Ezekiel Zeke
          I want prison money.
          Whats the deal?
          Jul 23, 2014
        3. Brant Rogers
          Brant Rogers
          If you have p4 on factions I'll give you 20k. If we are just trading money, then it's 20k in prison for 20k in factions. You pick.
          Jul 24, 2014
      9. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        If any Viper members want to know the f home is under construction ;P
      10. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        Vipers Is Back In Business And Is Running Well, Hope To Become Number One Faction Again.
      11. Discdog1000
      12. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        No Longer The Viper Owner!!! First Time In 1 Year Since I've Not Owned An Unstoppable Force Called Vipers >:D
      13. Brant Rogers
        Brant Rogers
        I Am The Viper Owner On The Factions Plugin Fill Free To Ask To Join
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    • About

      April 6
      When I first started Mc I joined this one fac, and it was called doggys, we'll we dominated the server(later on I noticed it was because of me) . But I stayed in the fac for 3 months then he got raided and I got kicked. So me and kylan created a fac he called it Kings (now he calls his fac PvPKings), but I couldn't think of a name for mine. So I thought united(my soccer team at the time), didn't like it so I looked up Vipers for a project in school. And it clicked the name stuck with me, I like that it could mean death/war/revenge/domination all in one( so the name caused (death) fear of death, (war) battles of the best, (revenge) if someone was killed we raided the fac, (domination) we dominated every server I got on. Later on the server was taken down, saddly I lost connections with all of my friends on their. But I found a new one that would change me, instead of factions it was towny. It taught me working together to make an empire. Later it was closed but I still talk to my friends then I joined 5 more servers and we again started at the bottom and dominated to the top. All the way till I joined Mineverse. When I joined Mv I was like nice big server this will be fun. Little did I know everyone who joined were people just like me. It was tough but I got to the top again, the facs going for the top was Vipers Nasa Whiplash and Pens we were all battling it out everyone knew our facs but everyone stepped into safe zone whenever we stepped into warzone. I didn't like being feared by everyone so I told kylan go make VipersJr and that fac was meant for anyone who wasn't accepted into any fac. After a few weeks in VipersJr they would move up into Vipers. No one feared me instead they wanted to team. So I gladly did, little did I know is that I just created my death bed. We were so close to the top then pens wanted a truce so I did. Then whiplash nasa and pens truce, saddly no one knew this, and I was eventually raided and dropped to fac rank 15. I was furious I invited everyone. Sent spy's into everyone of my enemies factions and raided then all. I got back to the top, but whiplash went down to 24 cause I raided them multiple times. Then I backstabed (note my other 2 fac names I use Voltage and BackBiter, BackBiter was because of what I did) so I eliminated 2 facs and it was just me and nasa, then the next week everyone is warned the server will be reset..... So all that hardwork for a reset. But no one gave up. Whiplash came back up and pens and nasa and legendarypvp. We'll let's just say legendarypvp didn't last long, pens got raided and they all quit except schnitzel who is off and on, all of the whiplash members quit except one(idk their ign), but it was just me and nasa, nasa fell apart and dropped to the bottom they join every now and then but I soon get rid of them. So finally Vipers got to the top, and then I got grounded due to my grades for 2 months. Vipers died a horrible death, as soon as I got back nasa was at the top so was shonals fac and unlegits and uncles fac. But I didn't give up, I was noticed for owning Vipers every now and then but not often anymore. Later I decided owning a fac is too much work so I join uncle I got blamed for them being raided, and got kicked, joined iaff and got accepted into his vault and ducky raided it. Made me furious so I created BackBiter(because Vipers was taken due to my old members) and everyone from the old servers jaws dropped :D and I raided ducky twice. Later on I noticed the fac was being raided from within. I got big facs to merge with me a and we became numbed 2 fac then iaff joined and u and so forth and it became Vipers again I eliminated everyone, but now my fac is slowly falling due to the donation ranks now and the perks they get. My once enemies became allies. And I stayed low. Dropped to the third most op fac first biggest fac first deffences second at raiding . My stats soon fell as I stopped raiding and building and what not, instead I started pvping again. Little did I know is that it would drop my fac way down. I lost members got noobs instead. Caused a server wide war again. And now I quit :(