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  • abbie
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    Mar 4, 2004 (Age: 20)
    Home Page:
    scranton pennsylvania
    dunder mifflin receptionist

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    receptionist, Female, 20, from scranton pennsylvania


    yo Jul 7, 2023

    abbie was last seen:
    Sep 4, 2024
      1. i_am_youtuber
        Ok, he was in on he was my accomplice (Ryan shakes his head) and there was cascand around booster thing, and we were showing the new guy around the kind of, to give him the field of place, so. God, you were, we totally got you.
      2. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: And the best thing about it is that we are not gonna have to give you any severance pay, because that is gross misconduct, and, just clean out your desk. I'm sorry. (Pam starts crying, Michael realises this) You've been X'd punk'd! Surprise it's a joke, we were joking around, you see?
      3. i_am_youtuber
        PAM: I can't believe this, I mean, I have never even stolen as much as a paper clip and you're firing me.
      4. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: 50 cents, yeah. You steal a thousand Post-It notes at 50 cents a piece, then you know you've made a profit margin. Resell of business Pam

        PAM: Are you serious?

        MICHAEL: Yeah.
      5. i_am_youtuber
        PAM: What? Why?

        MICHAEL: Why? Well, theft. And stealing.

        PAM: Stealing? Um, what am I suppose to have stolen?

        MICHAEL: Post-It notes.

        PAM: Post-It notes? What are those worth, like 50 cents?
      6. i_am_youtuber
        Yeah Punk'd, and all that kind of stuff? You are going to be my accomplice, just go on with that ok? All right Just follow my lead, don't pimp me all right? Come in! (Pam enters) So corporate just said that I don't want to'
      7. i_am_youtuber
        Yeah Punk'd, and all that kind of stuff? You are going to be my accomplice, just go on with that ok? All right Just follow my lead, don't pimp me all right? Come in! (Pam enters) So corporate just said that I don't want to'
      8. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: So, have you felt vibe yet? We work hard, we play hard. Sometimes we play hard when we should be working hard, right? I guess the atmosphere that I've created here is that I am a friend first, and a boss second. Probably an entertainer third. (someone knocks) Just a second Right? Oh, hey do you like the Jamie Kennedy Experiment?
      9. i_am_youtuber
        JIM: You know you should come with us, because you know we are going out and it could be a good chance for you to see what people are like outside the office, I think it could be fun.

        ROY: No, it sounds good but seriously we gotta get going

        JIM: Yeah What's in the bag?

        ROY: Just tell her I'll talk to her then.. (he leaves)

        JIM: No definitely. All right dude, awesome, will do.
      10. i_am_youtuber
        JIM: You know you should come with us, because you know we are going out and it could be a good chance for you to see what people are like outside the office, I think it could be fun.

        ROY: No, it sounds good but seriously we gotta get going

        JIM: Yeah What's in the bag?

        ROY: Just tell her I'll talk to her then.. (he leaves)

        JIM: No definitely. All right dude, awesome, will do.
      11. i_am_youtuber
        Cut back

        PAM: Do you mind if I go out for a drink with these guys?

        ROY: No, come on. Let's get out of here and go home.

        PAM: Ok, I will be out in a few minutes so it's like twenty past five I've still to do my faxes.

        Pam leaves
      12. i_am_youtuber
        PAM: Hey!

        JIM: What's going on?

        ROY: Hey baby!

        Cut to Pam, talking to the Camera

        PAM: Roy is my fiancee, we've been engaged about about 3 years, and we were supposed to get married in September, but I think we'll gonna get married in the spring.
      13. i_am_youtuber
        PAM: Yeah!

        JIM: Oh, that's why we all going out, so we can have an end of the week drink!

        PAM: Well then when are we going out?

        JIM: I don't know, tonight, hopefully.

        PAM: Ok, yeah.

        Roy enters

        ROY: Hey man!
      14. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: Nice, that's the way it is around here

        RYAN: You should have put him in custard-y!

        MICHAEL: Yes, new guy! He scores!

        DWIGHT: Ok that's great, I guess, what I'm most concerned with is damage to company property. That's all.

        MICHAEL: Pudding... I'm trying to think, another dessert to do.

        Cut to Pam's desk, Jim is talking to her

        JIM: Do you like to going out at the end of a week for a drink?
      15. i_am_youtuber
        DWIGHT: It's always you. Are you gonna discipline him or not?

        MICHAEL: Ooh discipline, kinky! All right, here's the deal you guys, the thing about practical jokes, is that you have to know when to start, as well as when to stop! And yeah, Jim, now is the time to stop pulling Dwight's personal effects into jello.

        JIM: Ok, Dwight I'm sorry because, I've always been your biggest Flam
      16. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: No no no, do not take it out! You have to eat it out there, because there are starving people in the world, (laughs) and which I hate, and it is a waste of that kind of food.

        DWIGHT: (points to Ryan) Ok, you know what? You can be a witness. (to Michael) Can you reprimand him please?

        JIM: (eating Jello) How do you know it was me?
      17. i_am_youtuber
        DWIGHT: It's ok here, but people some how is taking advantage because it's so relaxed. I'm a volunteer sheriff's deputy on the week-ends, and you cannot screw around there. It's one of the rules.

        MICHAEL: What is that?

        DWIGHT: (tries to take it out) That's my stapler.
      18. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: Ok, hold on, Judge is in session. What is the problem here?

        DWIGHT: He put my stuff in jello again. (shows his stapler in Jello - Pam laughs) That's real professional, thanks. That's the third time and it wasn't funny the first time.

        Cut to Dwight talking to the Camera
      19. i_am_youtuber
        MICHAEL: Assistant to the Regional Manager. So Dwight tell him about the kung fu, and the car and everything.

        DWIGHT: Yeah, I got a 78-2-8 , I've bought her for 1200, fixed it up, now worth three grand.

        MICHAEL: That is his profit!

        DWIGHT: New engine, suspension I've got some photos (opens his drawer) Damn it!
      20. i_am_youtuber
        Cut to the office, Ryan and Michael walk to Dwight

        MICHAEL: Watch out for this guy! Dwight Schrute in the building! This is Ryan, the new temp.

        RYAN: Nice to meet you.

        MICHAEL: Introduce yourself, be polite

        DWIGHT: Dwight Schrute, Assistant Regional Manager.
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    • About

      Mar 4, 2004 (Age: 20)
      Home Page:
      scranton pennsylvania
      dunder mifflin receptionist
      [​IMG] [​IMG]




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