Name-ACEofSPADES500 Offenders Name- TheSteeFlame What he did- He was wearing a hacked head and this is his second offense, he should be IP banned considering xBurritoSniperx said he has multiple accounts and has more hacked items. Proof- Sorry about it being low quality, it was a quick upload.
When did you find him hacking? And tell the truth. Everything you have to say must be honest from this point forward. So when did you find him hacking? In a month? 2 weeks?
He has the last hacked head on the server, hes switching it between accounts and has been lying to all staff
Hey.. I have not hacked since i got banned i am not lieing if u want i can tell wildcatdog to show and my acc thank you
This cant be ftom a month ago. He has the supreme rank, that was added (3) weeks ago I think. This is his second offence. And even if he didn't do this today, it means that he didn't turn in all his hacked items last time, which still means a ban.
How does he have a hacked head he has no armor u cant get heads for all u know it could be diamond armor but none the less all of his items were taken away by cyproit i was i a call with stee when it happened
If you look at his head that is not the head that is on his skin, its a hacked head. He would have been wearing a helmet if it wasn't a hacked head.
You definitely have a hacked head, your not wearing a helmet and thats not the head on your skin. You have more alternate accounts,everybody should know that by now. I recorded wildcatdog the same day and he should be banned as well because you share the piece
i was asking around the server and apparently this hacked item was given to him because he scammed somebody. he was unbanned idk why you would unban somebody known for having connections to hacked
Considering TheSteeFlame is so sure that he doesn't have it, you might want to make sure he doesn't have any other alts than wildcatdog