Your ingame name: prust2 The offender's ingame name: DarkSpirits101 and MCPaused A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they tp killed me Evidence/screenshots.
A few problems with this. 1. That pic only proves that you tped to him, not that you were killed. 2. I am fairly sure tp killing on factions is legal. If you tp to a random guy and get killed, it is your own fault.
Might not belong here but 2 things. 1 for tp killing on ANY server I feel we need video proof 2 is tp killing aloud on kitpvp? There's been confusion and all that.
Quit frankly why would you report this? On factions this is not against the rules AND you had nothing of any use on your player
Did you tp kill on factions or on another server? And if it was on factions you probably killed people who had diamond armor by trapping them where they couldn't hit you and you could hit them. That is against the rules I do believe
I'm going to say (seeing throw a mod's eyes) solid proof as in video of him tp' killing you. screenshots can be fake if i may say
TP killing is classified as a player(call him player1) requesting another(player2) to tp to him for items or "team" and then player1 kills them instead. The player1 was obviously lying/scamming the other. That is a ban. Just accepting a random tp and that player killing is not a reportable/bannable offence.
I k ow this isn't the time and the place but saying tpa 1v1 p4 people only and having them trapped in a room for a 3 or 4v1 Is against the rules correct ? I know people who do this.