Your ingame name: paige1318 The offender's ingame name: mili20 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using tracer, he automatically knew where I was and then hit me, following his hits around the room to where I was. Evidence/screenshots.
I am not so sure on this one :l Notice at the beginning when you go into F5 and you can see the particles from the potion? You were standing absolutely still when he walked in, so he probably just saw the particles and slapped you. If there was more video, that would be great.
I under stand that but notice how when I got there he automatically came to the room and then when swinging his sword he knew where I was
This could've been any number of things. X-ray, wallhack or yea tracers. These things are just too easy to get your hands on. The accused did not immediately start swinging however. Could he have not just seen the victims IGN through the wall and run in with that reason?
Yes I knew I was going to die anyway why did you think I went their with nothing. You're just mad I raided you p.s I never said everyone hacks did I? No
Its funny how you left after I told you that I had recorded it, you also ran straight into the room when I got there