Me ign ruckaruckarobin Offenders ign insanezac What did he do? Who wants to sell kit guard to me he awnsered he said full set armour for 100k i payed him he gave hat and chestpiece and then he gave p3 chain pants and p3 diamond boots and the last 2 are not kit guard . Evidence some pics
This does not show that he dropped those items. All the pictures show is that you payed him, then some stuff in your inv. How do we know you didn't put away the guard armor, add non guard armor to your inv, then take screenshots and try to get him banned? It would be best to have proof of him saying he gave you non guard armor or record it. But as far as the evidence shows, I can't say he scammed you.
you have 48 hours to provide more evidence. If you do not have any more, please let me know so I can close this thread.
Did you seriously rate my post dumb? Here let me point out the rules to you since you don't feel the need to read and abide by them..... -Minor Offenses -Posting in Ban Appeals, Reports, or Help when not directly involved or adding evidence. -Repeat level 2 offences can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 3 infraction. The above is from here: Also...... If that is not reason enough, it is also stated here: DO NOT post in ban appeals unless you have information directly regarding the appeal itself. Doing so will result in a permanent forum ban. And found here: Please acquaint yourself with the rules before you question staff when I ask not to post unless directly related. Thank you.
You shouldn't need to be told the roles, you should be aware and follow them. It's simple. Don't post unless related to the post or have positive proof to add to it please.
Not on BAN APPEALS or REPORTS according to the owners. Every time you post on those threads and are not involved you get warning points and can get forum banned.
Toepepper, just stop arguing. You have no buisness in this thread and socufu is just trying to enforce the rules. Your arguing for nothing :/
First why ARE YOU commenting. Second why rate mu post dislike of dont comment unless not involved... please Stay of the thread or you risk being forum banned