I feel like Skye's rating is abuse because it's uneccesary and there was no reason to dislike what Max had said.
Maybe he has issues with men having other men for valentines? I don't see an issue with the rating but I will tag another mod to get their opinion. @TADS4 @Nanurz
I understand how some people may consider it to be "abuse" as there was no 'real reason' to dislike it; but, Pile does make a clear point when she says that: But personally, I'm not going to classify this as "abuse"
It's their opinion on a public forum. I do not see a reason to dislike the post, a disagree may have gotten the point that they were against it. Saying someone is your valentine is not worth a dislike in my opinion.
Unfortunately when it comes to the dislike rating, it's hard to call it 'abuse' when it's a matter of opinion. If a player rates a post 'bad spelling' and there's no bad spelling then sure, it's abuse, but when it comes to ratings like dislike it's all a matter of opinion. People have their own reasons for disliking posts, and I don't personally see a problem with this post.