Ok Like My Last report, DaddyHF Kept doing /heal ( Name ) on me. I Might Rage! I ate God Apples, Potions That cost a fortune! And All I do is.... DaddyHF Comes Along and just heals me each battle! Like Omg. Please Do something about this 1 Mod ( I cant remember ) Said They Had Warned Daddy and They said He wouldn't do it again. I Thing This Command Is Getting TO Over Powered ( Abused ) Please Sort This out. Flare_snuggles.
Well according to CypriotMerks it's allowed for me to do so. So this thread is invalid and this should be closed.
Yea I know right? Factions need a Obby breaker so you can actually raid Bases, Factions needs a lot of things but hey there isn't so if you wanna quit go ahead no one is stopping you.
Well what do you recommend for Crew to put in a $250 Rank that's not too op but worth the money. Please tell us.
No he did not. Ive seen people use the /heal command and i dont care about it. Leave Daddy alone, please.
He didn't make a wrong choice he made a Great choice for a benefit of players and himself. Just look at all those Titans and think about all of them that put money in his Wallet? I think it's a Good thing in general.
I DUN CARE!! Leave daddy alone plz! or, i will hack your account LOL XD i would never hack somebody else that would be mean
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