Your ingame name: Skydiver27 The offender's ingame name: DJADerek A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Killaura Evidence/screenshots: KEYTIMES TO WATCH: 0:06 - 0:10
Dude i quit hacking i click the mouse really fast I deleted my hack clients after i was banned and i promised to not hack anymore in ban appeal
I saw it myself dude i was 3 blocks behind u and u were running away and i was clicking the mouse hitting u
Yes, you were 3 blocks behind me and then i moved back to 5 blocks and you kept hitting me till the edge.
Ya i was chasing u in that tunnel when u logged back in and i was so close behind u i dont use range or kill aura i told u already, i deleted them
I was right behind u by 2 blocks hitting u tell me how thats hacking? I clicked my mouse aimed at u and hit u, no kill aura no range, believe me im not lying