-_- I will let you join in :P since you were actually there and yes I admitt to swearing but he does have perms to /mute
Now Creeper. Not only were you swearing/using abusive language. But also were you not listening to what Mpg asked you to do. Mpg did everything he can to have William stop griefing you. You only on the other hand made things worse by swearing and cursing. What you were doing is actually making Mpg mad which caused him to say something bad maybe here and there. But other than that it was all you. Mpg did nothing wrong in this case and this report is useless. I wouldn't even let a mod archive it. I would just close it due emberassment. That is all.
Yes I did swear at him and i've admitted that but, he has permission to mute me and that's what he should've done and what I would've done but instead he took the mic out of my anger issues and swore at me.
And I also know that he's a fantastic Mod I just thought that I wanted to report this considering it isn't very nice and is setting a bad example for other players.
Pics of that? Because all I saw was him actually having real arguements on the pictures you claim he is swearing on.
Every 11 year old can let himself go sometimes. This is one of those cases. No harm was done. Most people think Mpg is a fantastic mod.
He is swearing but they have a plugin which if you say ** it changed to *fudge* and he says I need to take a chill pill and pretty much that's taking the mic out of me I forgive him but I want a reply and i'm asking if he forgives me.
I'm also 12 too but if he can't control himself in my opinion he shouldn't be Mod this is the one time i've let myself go for about 3 months now I used to be worse.
So he shouldn't be a mod because he let himself go once? And I am going to correct myself actually. He didn't let himself go, He used the words that you were using against him.
And i've admitted that but, the reason I reported this is because he took the mic out of my anger issues.
.-. No he replied to you. You started swearing and he used the light abusive words you were using against yourself to show how annoying you were being.
He is a Mod he has permissions to /ban /mute and /kick instead he started swearing at me a lot of players lose it all the time but Mods shouldn't because he could've muted me and if he didn't want too then /kick oh /ignore. Please stop arguing with me.
Take a chill pill is pretty much saying that I need to calm down yes but I would just prefer for him to say calm down please because I has the right to get angry with him when he was watching my base get raided on survival. I have to go off now and I can't be bothered arguing with you.
Excuse you? He chose not to because he had the situation under control. Though you were just being a pest to the server at that time. I do not see any swearing in the pictures. And if you say he did swear in the picitures you may scroll up and remain silent. You have nothing against him here.