This staff member does not know what he is doing and refuses to ban people he is friends with I reported a hacker with clear hacks and this staff member denies this forum I seen this player And the staff member talking together is responds to a friend ship with the reported player
You were lagging... Also, he had depth strider and you didn't = he hits you from farther. There was no way he was hacking..
Please look at some videos on youtube with actual hacks, if that is "hacks"... You would be reporting me all day long.
Both of u suck at being mods kids I'm a youtuber go look me up Kids. I nervier lag and I don't PvP when I do and that's only when I upload
You can still lag while having high fps. You quite possible could've had bad ping. Also, I am not friends with the reported user.
This is so astonishing... you're not helping yourself out at all... Saying we suck gets you nowhere, there was no way he was hacking.
There is no proof and means here. Sorry, Jeremy. Closing. A ban is not something that needs a staff report. You can simply PM the mod to resolve the issue.