Cuber1013 GizzBots. Basically, isn't profanity a warning? or at least something else that'll alert Quad of using such foul words? No. All he said was go along with it and i believe he is friends with Quad, I feel as if it was a person he would personally 'dislike' or be 'neutral' with i feel like he would warn them but quad? no. Proof:
Quad didn't mean for it to be harmful. It's my profile, and that was nothing extremely inappropriate in anyway. I don't understand why you're reporting me for this, but ok. If higher power really deems is as bad, then they can easily remove it themselves. Every staff member has the ability to do so.
It doesn't matter who it is, how they say it. It's the fact they swore and used profanity. For example remember Elrak used profanity in nice attitude towards an application? he got banned/warned but Quad didn't even get a warning?
The difference is that this player said something extremely minor, that didn't harm anyone, and he didn't intend for it to be harmful. Also, he hasn't done it multiple times(that I know of), whereas other members have. You'd have no idea whether I had warned him or not unless you were the player, in which case would not be allowed. Yes, I didn't physically give him an infraction, but content such as that one time is not worthy of an infraction.
It doesn't matter if it's extremely major or extremely minor, he has sworn a couple times that i have known of. That is true that I don't know if you warned him but you said you didn't. I agree an infraction should not be posed but you should give him a warning. In the rules it says, NO USE OF PROFANITY IN ANY MEANS. It doesn't mean if he's doing it a nice way, a mean way, a neutral way, it's all the same thing.
Quad checks in once every blue moon. He rarely does it because he's rarely on. Infractioning him is not justified and saying "watch the language" is something he already knows of. I don't see the big deal, and I also don't see why you reported me over such a tiny issue that could've been so easily solved through pm. I was not insulted, and if anyone else was, I'm sorry about that but I don't see the need to infract or delete something as harmless as that. Not only was it directed at me, so the way I interpret it is upto me, but it's no where near called for a staff report. Should've just pmed me in my opinion, but we'll leave it to the higher ups. @bananaman11223 @fryzigg
Gizzbots was not being biased nor picking favorites for what I can tell. The old rules were different and everyone is adjusting. This is censoring or blocking up hateful words in profanity. This could have been solved via PM or by simply deleting it. If it isn't already, it will be deleted soon. Thank you for your concern. Closing report.