The first video just watch it all, notice how his head spins a lot to attack other players, also since they were wearing no armor he one shot them so you can see that he did in fact hit them because they died. The second video, if you skip to 5mins in you can watch his head spin right after he murdered Muse. Then keep watching the rest of the video and look for head spins.
In addition to al of this, he really showed his hacks, he was hitting me without even looking at me. Sadly, I was not recording, but NoobCupCake did see it too.
At :50 seconds he knows exactly where Javid is even though he was invis, also at 4mins in, he is hitting me without even looking at me.
At about 3:50mins in, he spins for LightTensions_, then once he kills him, he spins right for me. Suspicious?
From all the videos it seems that at certain times that people are hitting him and his thorns is hitting them back but at certain times his head does spin so I believe this is kill aura, I'm going to tag someone who I believe can deal with this report properly as he is more experienced than me and hopefully this can be dealt with. @AgentWifi
Ok thank you so much babe <3. And as you also know, you did see him clearly using hacks, when we were both upstairs.
Umm well in the first video around the 3 minute mark there's some head spins but that's honestly the only video I took a look at, when I saw him in game at one stage he did have some huge head spin moments but that's when I finally watched him without recording. I think it's best if we both watch it and point out moments when it looks like he's hacking
Agent First video around 3 minute mark I saw some head spins, Second video I saw nothing, Third video around the start there's a lock on effect type of thing around from the 1-10 seconds and 20-35 second mark. If you see something around that mark aswell we can just confirm he's hacking, if now we'll continue watching
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.