^ Conversation proof ! Here's your proof @Alex I had to backup my phone so pls take this information I'm giving u Proof I was in a convo^ ^ Proof it was Gizz
No full proof it was the conversation he was in... this is probably another person. There's no full conversation screenshot, if you can't get us that, there's no point.
Oh sorry! Let me go buy a new phone!!!!! Maybe that'll make your day wouldn't it sweetie! I can't frEaking take full screenshots on a iPhone 3
This evidence would be valid if you had a name in the first screenshot. So there is no possible way of proving anything? Can you go back to that conversation?
This evidence isn't valid. You could've easily screenshot the part with Gizz in a convo, and screenshot the rest from somewhere completely different.
If you look at the bottom of the first screenshot is says something about 'g this before you can screenshot' the g is probably from 'editing'
Here's all my recent convos: http://prntscr.com/8f0o9c Here's the only convo that me and you have had: http://prntscr.com/8f0ogi Using fake proof won't get you anywhere. @CypriotMerks
yeah because I'm just so smart to use fake proof! you do realize I was in dance class when I sent this all ;/ what am i gonna magically pull out my hacker laptop and hack you some laptops!!! toTALLY