Your ingame name: Arboklv12 The offender's ingame name: Awesomegumi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: On infection, she was a zombie and it was temple map she was floating in the air and she had a human bow and she was shooting humans. Evidence/screenshots. File evidence
I would like to request permission to handle this report, as I was present at the time this occurred.
Hello. I'm surprised you actually posted this. The floating in the air is render lag from me logging out and back into the game from a different place that wasn't spawn. Me having a bow is thanks to my prestige 7. If you still think I hack, have some of this proof of when you were threatening to get me banned on forest. As you can see, there isn't any weird tabs on my game screen showing I have hacks, nor in the pause menu is there a 'huzuni' tab to turn on and off the hacks. Any other questions?
Just want to drop by and link this: exactly this part of the guide "A Render Lag is what causes another player to appear like they are 'floating'. This happens a ton on the infection server, but i'm not sure if this happens a ton anywhere else on the server."
Well first I agree that there is no sign of hacks, because first Gumi is a donator/MVP and she can obviously do some command that allows you to have iron armour to disguise as a human and she also is prestige 7 which gives you a bow and arrow as as zombie.
Thanks Troy. Your evidence doesn't prove anything. Gumi is prestige 7, which means she gets a bow and one arrow every time she respawns as a zombie. In the screenshot, the "floating", can have one of two explanations. 1. It looks like she could have jumped and was shooting the zombies on the way down. 2. It could have been render lag as stated above. Render lag is where a person appears on a different spot on the map than where they really are. The player still moves as if they are on the ground (You can see them move around obstacles, jump onto blocks, and climb ladders.), and to them, they are on the ground. For some reason, I have only seen it happen on Infection. It usually occurs if a person logs out, then logs back in. I was private messaging Gumi just before this happened. I tried to send her a message and it said: "Error, you have nobody to reply to.". I then did /seen AwesomeGumi a few seconds later, and it said: "AwesomeGumi has been online for 5 seconds". This could explain the render lag explanation. To conclude my long post, the evidence you posted is not enough, as there are multiple explanations for the situation.
I totally agree with gumi and all of you guys. She wasn't hacking at all, plus she has prestige 7 and she gets a bow.