Your ingame name: urmum555 The offender's ingame name: 12323Emily A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This mod hates me, first of all she mutes me 1 HOUr for saying nub and then when i ban-evaded i got perm banned, and she keeps ignoring my ban appeal. she said she was gonna make a decision within 1 day or so. i have even tagged her in my ban appeal when she's online. Evidence/screenshots.
Be patient. Making a decision on ban appeals isn't as easy as you think. There is absolutely no reason to report Emily over this.
she could atleast REPLY that she's still making a decision but it doesn't seems like she's even gonna read my ban appeal. i have even tagged her like 2 times
I do not hate you, Its just hard to think of Un-banning you because you were so Immature in the first appeal (Which got denied because of how rude you were being towards staff members)And now on your 2nd appeal it still looks like you really don't care and won't be patient. Other people take their Appeals SERIOUSLY because those players actually want to be Unbanned. To me, it looks like you really don't care. Please take appeals and everything else seriously if you want something, because right now the way you're taking things is not looking good for you.
You just won't understand, I didn't mute you because you called another player a "nub". You called Kyle a "C***" and something else which I forgot. Do not start bringing up things that are false please.
emily is a bad mod. mutes me 5 minutes for being rude and swearing, mutes me 1 HOUR for calling a player for nub. LOGIC
you admitted you muted me by a mistake. if you really muted me for calling mrpronounce a fking c*nt, you shouldnt think it was a mistake. so stop lying