Your forums account name: @Marko The Cat The offender's forums account name: @God A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I am a christian I find it offending that hes calls himself "god" he also does not treat it lightly his status is "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." and constantly refers to himself in threads.
My account is no different than @Jesus . I am a Christian myself, I am not pretending to be God just because I named my forums account "God". I posted a Bible verse as my status. As a Christian you should know that spreading your religion is not bad and me posting a Bible verse as my status is not offensive.
Religion has no business here. This is a Minecraft forum. Feel free to stand on your soapbox somewhere else. Anyway it doesn't matter because you've already stated your account is a "troll account" and troll accounts are not allowed:
How is this account any different than the account @Jesus ? He's trolling and pretending to be something that he's not.
Omg.... When I read this I woke everyone up laughing......... (2am) why're you moaning? It's a forums tbh... Not everything has to be "true", you know it's not @Marko The Cat so the best thing is, don't make a big deal over it.