1. Elrak 2. Gizzbots 3. Banning my little brother on teamspeak for a 'voice changer'. 4. My little brothers account is Fatshit, he went on my teamspeak and changed his name to Fatshit, he later got banned for a voice changer since he's hasn't hit puberty yet.
Voice changers are NOT allowed on teamspeak. If you don't like your voice, don't speak. Deal with it.
It wasn't his 'brother'. Someone joined with a voice changer and I kicked them, then they joined back and Elrak said 'I'm putting my brother on' and two seconds later he is using a voice changer. We even tried getting his so called 'brother' to talk at the same time, he couldn't. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I have a recording of them not being able to talk at the exact same time and Elraks so called 'brother' saying that Elrak is going to have a 'wank'. He's clearly trolling - Are troll reports punishable?..
Abuse? You and Jaimee were fighting and telling each other to kill each other. You needed to both go. You were both banned. http://prntscr.com/87x183 Nice try - Don't try to set me up.
You knew voice changers weren't allowed, yet you used the excuse that it was your brother. Stop coming on Teamspeak if you're going to cause problems.
Hi, Sorry for a late reply, now this is hard to deal with as I wasn't on at the time and the two stories don't match up. With all evidence provided it doesn't show much for the case. There could of been many reasons for what happened. If something like this happens again. Record the most you can and feel free to report. Sorry for the inconvenience but, Closing.