Slay PonyKnight99 Bullying/Calling us useless Moderators please be fair with this Its a little sad how he posts slightly rude status's but never gets warned Yet we do nothing and get banned/muted/warned ;') I am offended Calling someone useless is r00d.
I agree on this I got pm'd by Ares about "disrespecting" Pony.... HE REPORTS everything oml, Anna pm me plz bb
I can't help it you people don't follow the rules. You wouldn't have to worry about me if you would just follow the rules and stop thinking you can do whatever you want, because NEWS FLASH, YOU CAN'T
I feel bad for your parents, report this idc I'm telling EVERYONE they truth about you. Okay so, you got "mad" at @Taytertot37 for talking to me, you nagged and nagged for her to"unfollow" me how immature is that? You call us "immature" Go dang well grow up, you're 16 and bossing a 13 yr old girl around about who she talks to, grow up already, it's her life not yours, if you're just going to try boss everyone around then you need mental help.
No, you can't. The rules are meant to be followed. Those who don't obey get punished. That's how rules work.
yea I can vouch for this he called me a fool which hurt my feelings and one time he called @GuyLover a disgrace to the human kind.
"I was already warned for that so its invalid?" Stop bugging us about saying "s" about you then. We've already been warned for it so its invalid. Don't bug us about s thats in the past.
That's such a lie... Not even a fake screenshot? Poorly executed And yet all this is happening right now
Gosh. You're so immature for your age. Usually a normal 16 year old would be hanging out with friends right now or playing games and not bugging people all the time. You are 16. And you are annoying/harassing people. Do you get pleasure for dating an online girl you'll never meet and harassing people online/causing issues?