Can this situation be resolved via PM and/or ban appeal? I have tried several times. Am I only reporting this mod because they didn't respond to my appeal/ignored me once in game? No. Do I solely believe that this moderator is abusing their powers, and/or goes against the rules of Mineverse? In a way. She may have believed I was using fake hacker, Which I wasn't, Use Huzuni or Wurst go in F5 and throw an item in a direction while facing another way, well, while your attacking something. Do I have solid proof of what I'm reporting this moderator for? Yes. Am I only reporting this moderator because they denied my appeal, or did not handle a report the way they should have/I wished they did? No. I have tried several times to appeal for this, and since we have had bad history, she denied it. She knows I am correct. And @CypriotMerks and @PandaBear__ and myself are the only ones going to be replying to this thread. Anyone else replies will be reported.
Just OP? Could've sworn I banned you on KitPvP as well. I'll get a mod to unban you on OP because the evidence I had for that ban was removed from YouTube, unfortunately.