Description: A thread was made about an unsatisfactory amount of moderators being promoted. The thread was the opinion of a player. After players claimed that we don't need staff as of now, moderator Paradox closed and archived the thread without the owners permission or with any real reason to (the player never asked for it to be closed nor did the thread violate any forum rules). I have nothing against Paradox or any of the staff team, please don't take this as a personal attack. The action was unnecessary and can be categorized as abuse of permissions. Evidence:
Can you honestly say you know that? If Cypriot does not like the threads then he should inform players to stop making them. Some of the 'complaint' threads do break some forum rules time to time but this one did not. It was a harmless opinion that was abused by the community and received bias staff actions.
The way and tone you handled the situation was not abusive, but you used the perk outside of the rules. Which is counted as abuse. You were bias. You sided with the majority of the community and their opinions on the thread and you abused moderator perks to close the thread you and that majority disagreed with. You never asked the thread owner nor did he give you the permission to close his thread and the thread was well within the bounders of the forum guidelines and rules. I'm not assuming. You may not care about your actions but I do. Instead of taking a rational approach to this report you have decided to disagree with me even though I have shown clear evidence of your abuse. It would have been a lot easier if you owned up to making a mistake instead of standing your ground, even if the ground you stand on is likely to cave in on you. Again, this is not a personal attack.
The only way paradox should close it, is if cyp gave him permission. I will like to see evidence of this and then your good @Paradox and I will make a final decision.
Cypriot [10:31:11 AM] DjGamez: is it ok that I locked a "More mods" thread [10:31:21 AM] CypriotTwerks: ya [10:31:31 AM] DjGamez: So if I was reported for it [10:31:35 AM] DjGamez: can I deny it [10:31:54 AM] DjGamez: cos someone reported me for it [10:34:42 AM] CypriotTwerks: Yea, people only create those threads to get my attention