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  • Mega & Ares_Xena - Abuse Of Power [Resolved] [Paraodx] [Forums]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by mind_trap, Jun 11, 2015.

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    1. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      Your ingame name: mind_trap
      The offender's ingame name: Mega & Ares_Xena
      A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abuse of power

      I will try to explain the situation as briefly as possible but that doesn't mean that this story will be short, I apologize in advance for that.

      All started from a thread titled “Staff Appreciation Thread” (pic 1). The alternative title of this thread could be “Popis_mylife is awesome despite the fact that he created multiple accounts to harass people.” It is basically a thread that praises Popis_mylife and suggests that he should have more authority on the forums and on the servers despite the fact that in the past this person has displayed a hateful and obsessive behavior.

      Frankly I don't believe that such persons should be allowed to be on the server because I don't believe that people can change with an apology or with a ban. Such persons not only they shouldn't be on positions of authority but they shouldn't be allowed on the server/forums at all, because even if he doesn't repeat the same mistake, the obsessive hateful mindset is still there.

      I expressed my disagreement to this post (pic 2) for the same reasons I mention here and my comment caused a reply from the moderator Mega (pic 3) who was denying the fact that Popis_mylife has displayed such behavior at all. My next question was as simple as it can be “If he hasn't displayed such behavior then why he was banned?”.

      This question was deleted 3 times from the comments (pic 4) without a valid answer been given up to this date. Then the story changed, moderator Ares_Xena stepped in and admitted “That Pop made a mistake and he was punished”. When I asked which story is real (pic 5), Mega's or Ares_Xena's, my comment was deleted again and I was advised to keep my opinion private in a conversation with Mega and Ares_Xena (pic 6).

      I made clear that I don't wish to discuss this topic with unrelated persons (pic 7) and explained why my comments were relevant to the topic. My comment was deleted again. After that Ares_Xena started a discussion with me (pic 8) that can be found in http://www.mineverse.com/conversations/removing-your-commentary.28522/ if they haven't deleted that too. In that discussion both Ares_Xena and Mega failed to prove how my comments were not relevant (Pic 9). The only reason my comments were removed is because they were displaying different views than these moderators (pic 10).

      I won't start lecturing you on freedom of speech but this report exists because of the suppression of free speech. Resolving reports with obvious proofs or rule breaking is the least of a moderator's duties, a moderator is expected to uphold the server's rules equally for everyone and not to allow only the opinions that he/she agrees with to be expressed. Moderators can't go around and delete everything they don't agree with, with false excuses.
      When the average player is breaking the rules he is banned and so far I haven't seen the excuse “Everybody does mistakes” being used to justify the behavior of an unruly player. Yet I believe that this excuse is going to be used again to justify the behavior of these mods, I have seen it happening in the past and I won't be surprised if I see it happening again. Can this server be more mature and stop allowing moderator's to do whatever they like? I expect to see actual consequences for the behavior of such mods and please don't give me again the excuse “everybody does mistakes”. I have seen it before and I simply don't buy it. Thanks


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    2. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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    3. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Not gonna directly reply to this right now. Firstly, it's mostly pointless, and secondly because I am waiting for an important phone call.
    4. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Before we discuss more I would like ares and @Mega to reply.
    5. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      I deleted these posts because I felt that they were going off topic, and had potential to start a flame war.
    6. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      The topic was "how nice popis_mylife is" and my argument is that he is not so nice. It is on topic. For you Mega everyone with different views is causing a "flame war", do you really believe that a topic which claims that a banned player/mod is perfect will not meet opposition? Ares read the report again if you don't understand it, going around and deleting the comments you don't agree with without any valid reason is abuse of power. Don't make me point out the obvious. We already discussed these in length and you provided nothing of value in the discussion you started, are we going to do the same all over again?
    7. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Delete your comments because I don't agree? You're joking.. right?
    8. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      You had a whole discussion that you started to provide valid reasons for deleting my comments, this report means that you didn't. Does the tone in my report gives you the impression of someone who is joking or you believe that I had nothing better to do today other that writing reports about you and Mega?
    9. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Tried to provide sufficient reasons why I deleted those in the best way possible at that moment. You didn't understand, so I called in Mega who tried explaining.
    10. Valor

      Valor Well-Known Member

      Nov 2, 2013
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      I've explained to you multiple times the reason I deleted those posts.
      I thought they were going off topic from the thread's actual purpose, and I thought they had potential to start a flame war. I couldn't care less about your opinion on the topic
    11. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      My understanding is far superior than the one of a 15 year old Ares, you can be sure of that no matter how much it hurts your ego admitting it. You claimed that the counter arguments are off topic, the topic was pop is nice I said that pop isn't so nice. End of story. Mega you cared about my opinion so much that you deleted my comments, deeds matter, words don't matter.
    12. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      @fryzigg. I'm done talking to this person. His last comment was disrespectful, amd his general report doesn't make sense.
    13. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      When you claim that I don't understand it is ok and nothing wrong with it, but when I say that my understanding is better than yours, I am the one who is disrespectful? Get in touch with reality.
    14. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Alright, I'll try yo be an intermediary here.

      You posted on a thread that was to virtually in essence hate on all other staff and praise pops. You further more attempted to call him out for making an alt, to which Mega disagreed with you. Just a footnote, it's not an alt of Pops, I checked. Then you ask why Pops was banned in the first place before from forums. Another note, I've been banned from forums a few times before I was mod, it doesn't really have anything to do with this. Then Mega said what he said. Afterwards, he asked you not to post off topic on that thread any longer. They then messaged you saying not to hate on pops, and you told them you were just saying the facts. But they wouldn't have it, and that's the point of the thread. Am I correct so far? If so, here's how I see things

      1) From your POV,
      You wanted to go against these comments about how nice pops was and tried to show the truth on what was happening in your perspective. 2 mods then show up telling you what to do, and you don't like that, you you ask them to leave you alone. They then remove your comments and warn you about your behavior, even though you feel like you did nothing wrong at all.

      2) From the 2 accused's POV,
      You are hating on one of their fellow staff members, and they want to put a stop to it as it A) is spiteful and doesn't belong to the community and B) is plain downright rude. So, they delete your comments, and you retaliate. You go on about how it's pop's alt and how he's not all great, that he's been banned and so on. Then they remove your posts and try to reason with you, but frankly, you don't seem to care.

      My verdict, the Moderators in question did not do anything incorrect. They saw hate on a thread, and they tried to stop it, because frankly, we don't need a bad thoughts in our community. You can say what you wish respectively, as in "I personally don't think this Moderator deserves this because so on and so on". While I do agree that you should speak your mind, you should not say it in such a blunt way. It is ok to not think anyone is the best, however you should either keep it to yourself or try and communicate it to the staff or others in a respectful way and try and make it constructive for the moderator in question. We cannot tolerate such rudeness on our forums to a moderator, or any normal player.

      Nevertheless, the moderators in question and the staff team will take this report as a time to reflect upon the rules and make sure nothing goes amiss, however I am going to have to deny this report. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Regards,
      ~The staff
    15. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved.
      This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
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