I made a ban appeal and she will not view I made one then she did not reply at all. A staff member have replayed on a ban appeal that is not his and Closed it bec I did not out the right format but the funny thing is it was copyed off the ban appeal to get unbanned This staff member will not view this app evern this she is tagged in every time she comes on she views her profile or Staff apps Does not view any thing I make ! @canucksfan44
Boxjeremy moderators have hard work to do. You aren't the only person that PandaBear__ has banned and had to deal with the ban appeal. I would suggest you to be a little more patient and wait for her reply. I'm sure she will reply soon
Im sorry you had issues getting a reply. You were unbanned yes? If the format is not corrected within a certain time frame mods can deny the appeal. However if you are not getting a reply on your appeals its best to contact the staff member or another staff member who can remind them to check. Mods do have other appeals and sometimes are on their mobiles and its not practical to handle an appeal in that fashion. But I agree the wait was too long.
Hello, Panda has now replied to your appeal and has resolved it, next time I recommend following what the other moderators have said to you. I am sorry you had to wait a while. She has been busy lately. Closing.