*irrelevant #EvenGr8erSpelling Could you please show me the full screenshot instead of a little snip-it? (Showing where it took place will help us understand if it was indeed a joke or not)
Hello baby_12_34, Your report is completely useless. ImTopmass became a moderator yesterday - May 1st. You're reporting this ImTopmass for something posted on April 13th, way before his promotion. Clearly you misunderstood the ''Report a staff'' section. This section was created to report staff members during their moderating period. The event we're inspecting happened before that. Players are people too, they make mistakes, and ImTopmass clearly recognized his mistake. Admitting to your fault would only help your morel to become a moderator. His skull isn't important nor valid in this report. K. ImTopmass is doing incredible. He's asking for advice, and corrects his mistakes instantly. His activity in-game surprises me too. I'm glad he's on our team. Your sarcasm is completely unnecessary and doesn't help your application nor helps your reputation.
http://gyazo.com/a814d4be0e230d7f84d30bfdef1fce75 Yup. More "disrespect" to you. http://gyazo.com/c2ac6ddc6b117c8fc372cf9de2a66030
Sorry but this report isn't going to get far. Lets summarize: a) Last time i checked there are many definitions to the slang "Skid" and no matter what way it was used, there is nothing wrong with it. b) following on from that that incident occurred prior to his promotion to moderator therefore should not be reported here. You say its not right for a mod to say something like that to another person but in that evidence, he was not a mod at the time. c) did you report this incident when it first happened? Even so calling someone a Skid is not ban worthy, it is worth a verbal warning at best. d) you dont like that topmass got moderator so you are trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find something to get him in trouble. Unfortunately by doing this it has brought up more evidence of you disrespecting rather than Topmass's disrespect and revealed your bias. Your evidence is not solid enough due to its age as well. You also didn't care to read this sticky and use the correct format? http://www.mineverse.com/threads/please-read-before-making-a-thread.198/ No authority to close this of course, but thank-you for the report