so i was going though my alerts and @Ringo24 disliked both of my posts on my new YouTube just because i didnt subscribe. can you forums ban him or something because if i post another YouTube thing on here he will 100 dislike it. @Alexa
Well, from what I see, he isn't abusing the rating system, so I am not sure I can do anything about this, although I could maybe get someone else's opinion.
WELL Alexa, if its in a 5 minute time period its agaisnt the forum rules.Further as I cannot see as I am on mobile I will leave it to you @Alexa
"Because I didn't subscribe" And I disliked the second one cause it was spam and i dislike the vid :>
Rate abuse is 3+ ratings given to a player or thread within a short time interval. I don't see anything against the rules here. Sorry but closing.