in game name: lily_paws403 People who did this: enderstevepigman sienathebanana mtis4blockheads 3/23/2014 A friend and I where working on my stables and enderstavepigman sent a tp request to my friend and he did not know that it was the above listed who griefed my town last time, But this time they where stuck in my horse stables because I had a 3 block tall fence around it but sienathebanana used the /jump command and jumped over the gate and they tp to her. They had another member with them but he left before they started to do anything. sienathebanana was swearing (have screanshots) and being disrespectful to me and other players (again have screanshots) and so was mtis4blockheads and enderstevepigman. like in my last thread a lot of people worked hard on this town and a lot of them help rebuild it from last time. it seems like nothing will get through to these people. even though some people will say "since it was not claimed it isn't griefing" but the paths r to small to claim and some of the people in the town do not know how to claim or do not have enough claim blocks to claim it with. I have more screenshots but it will not let me add more.
I Understood That i Did Swear And I Will face My punishments But the Swearing part was not directed at you lily.... It was another conflict i was in. Just Saying...
But you where still part of it you could of told them to stop, and as the proof up there it shows that your telling them to break blocks.
They asked you if they could break things and you said "I don't care what you break just destroy." and if you didn't want to have the responsibly of taking any blame you should of left.