Can this situation be resolved via PM and/or ban appeal? I tried Am I only reporting this mod because they didn't respond to my appeal/ignored me once in game?No. of course not. Do I solely believe that this moderator is abusing their powers, and/or goes against the rules of Mineverse? I wouldn't say that, this mod was fine until she decided to believe her friends lies. Do I have solid proof of what I'm reporting this moderator for? No, but she doesn't have proof of a ban. Am I only reporting this moderator because they denied my appeal, or did not handle a report the way they should have/I wished they did? No. Pandabear__ banned me without proof. I shouldn't need proof for this report, but she does. @PandaBear__ @CypriotMerks
***************************************************************************** Is this a legitimate report?
He never tried to resolve this through PM, not to mention this has already been resolved. If you want to look up his recently made threads, you'll see that he made a report on me, that Kato CLOSED due to it being invalid. Go find the thread, it'll help you understand what's happening in this situation.
All bans require proof and a current administrator must have seen proof for a ban to be held. No proof has to be shown to a banned user, however. This is in the she doesn't have to show you anything.
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** This guy makes me want to puke, I can't. u.u
************************************************************************************************ Was he actually banned without proof/evidence?
********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Oh god no, of course not. I would never.
Please do not asume PandaBear__ banned you without proper evidence. Consider how you may influence their job next time you report a Moderator. Unless Kato has anything to say, this report is finished. @KatoKillsMyGPA
*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** adding onto this.
Not assume, she has no proof, one of you, ask her for the proof, she has no proof. I checked her channel, No vids.
YouTube has invented a "private" button. Ever considered you may have been reported? We have the evidence, don't worry.
No, i have no been reported, she banned me for "Fake Hacked Client" because someone on op pvp (I forgot the name) told her that i've been using a hacked client without making a report, and even with a private button, you would be able to see the name of the video, just not watch it.