I thought we were done with this argument, but alright. Just because some "Catholics" use the Lord's name in vain doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to be offended by it. Also, you've reported me for swearing (even though I didn't), yet you used the words "STFU" and "bull crap" in one sentence. Edit: Please excuse my language, I was simply quoting.
Idc I'll give you the fact that you can be offended but you called me a "cunt" in chat just look at the screenshot
I would but i only screen schotted the chat :( but ask anyone's ign in that picture if its true. I swear its real the timestamp says: Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 1.26.37 PM see for your self. @PandaBear__
why does it have to be full screen? don't believe the picture is real? ask @GTRS_ before you close this please, hes in the picture and can verify if its real or not if you don't believe me.