The fact that it's a screenshot proves nothing! It can be doctored by anyone with basic photoshop skills.
That chat is not real, and this is proof that your statement above is untrue, screenshots can be doctored.
I have already proven you wrong. I believe that you and R3VO are in cahoots, and that both of you are conspiring against me.
It's real, the photo is not from photoshop, JettPath ask the server member for Skybucks and say some inappropriate Language
Please don't use such blasphemous language, I find it offensive as it goes against my religion. I will not apologize for proving myself innocent. I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Also, the fact that it's cropped proves beyond a doubt that it's been doctored. Who knows what else you've done to the original?
Using the Lord's name in vain has everything to do with religion and I am well within my rights to ask you to no longer do so. It is also within my rights to request that you stop rating all of my responses negatively, it's childish.
Last thing I'm going to say for now... If your a Roman Catholic STFU cause I know people who know the 10 commandments and still use the lords name in vail. So drop the blasphemy bull crap and don't bring it up again. Please.