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  • Lola Perez -- powerabuse [Closed]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Zambiana, Feb 26, 2015.

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    1. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      These two are the main offenders in which they ban with no reason to actually ban, each time I have been banned (by any staff member) it has been unjustified. I'm being banned for swearing, when swearing isn't in the forum rules, as you can see below.

      The only rule swearing comes close to is rule #1, but I'm not abusing anyone, just swearing thus meaning no rule is being broken, therefore theirs no reason to infract or ban me over the word . Plus theirs no filter, this is far from my fault when it's possible to filter the words as I did it on Skyblock in 2012. I can see if their was a filter and typing made it change to f*** and I typed fu ck to bypass it, but I'm not. In fact rule #7 most staff have broken countless times, however I don't care about that.

      The fact is these two have warned me more than once and it resulted in a ban, being banned for swearing once and not even in an offensive way is stupid, it's clear these two have no grasp on how forums work and should not hold power on them.
    2. Yin

      Yin Boss Member

      Nov 15, 2013
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      Hello Zambiana!

      I understand there's no rule against profanity from the list given, but let's think about the content and players before we actually say anything. A vast majority of people here in seem to be teenagers and people entering their teen years, where maturity is still settling, and people take offense easily. Do you think it's OK to use language to hurt people's state of mind? Even if it's not to intentionally hurt somebody, people see it, and take offense. Sure, there's no rule written on paper, but all it really takes to abide this is common sense and some thought.
    3. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      You would have been better ignoring this, as you answered nothing in which why one simply swear word is worth a full day ban, even more when you have the tools to remove it without a trace, yet you remove it then put this big "DON'T SWEAR ON THE FORUMS" crap and then you ban me. For saying , once.. I was banned, now don't even try and tell me because it's not on paper it doesn't count, because then why make a goddamn rule thread? The fact is both of you have zero grasp on how forums work and how you should moderate them. You cannot ban a member from a forum for saying , you shouldn't even infract them, you should just silently remove the content and move on with your day.

      Here's some examples.
      " sake, I died and lost my pickaxe" would be changed to "damn, I died and lost my pickaxe"
      " off you idiot, you don't know jackshit" would just be removed, no infractions.

      In fact you shouldn't infract for: Swearing, wrong section posting, spamming, off-topic posting etc. why would you ban for these things? This is a forum, not in-game. Banning players here (and even more as XenForo doesn't have an easy mute option) is a bad idea in general as it just annoys people. I know the rules, I wrote the base rules before you came here, it's stupid because you guys infract me and it make me look bad due to my rank on Skyblock. I have explained this to the staff team before and no one listened, the first few times I gave you the benefit of the doubt. When you have tools to remove and alter content use that first, banning should be an utter last resort.

      Theirs a difference between swearing, and abuse + swearing cannot hurt someones state of mind.
    4. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Even though there is no rules against swearing on forums, do you even think that's okay for little kids and kids that are going to be teenagers? We're not going to let players swear on forums just for fun, because obviously that could be rude for a lot of people.

      And I haven't infracted you just by that, I also infracted you for posting on reports.
    5. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Most children start swearing at around 4 - 6, do you really think someone seeing the word on a forum will cause them to turn full rebel and start swearing themselves? Are you that oblivious to how swearing and how forums work that you have no way to respond without screaming "think of the children" these kids swear more than me, they swear when you're not on and they're harsher than my swearing, theirs no rules for it, so it's not a bannable offense, but at the end of the day, infracting or banning for swearing is plain stupid. And that steers into you banning me for posting in a section I can post in, if you don't want people to post there, hide the goddamn section from everyone and allow you to only see your threads, a bit of common sense is amazing! Banning someone for something so major is dumb, it upsets me that this staff team is so oblivious to how the forums actually work. Their was a time when it was all in synch and mods banned for the correct reasons, not for stupid crap like this.

      Learn the forums or resign, I know Cyp wont want to deal with this, I know him to well and he knows me to well.
    6. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      A lot of people report your post because they feel offended, and yeah, If I could control the forum and be an admin on it and make changes, I would probably do that. But since there is a rule for it, and the report section is hidden except the forum reports, you should respect that rule.

      And for swearing we give you the less warning point and it bans you for your recent warnings.
    7. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Why are you banning and warning for swearing when you just just remove the swear word, stop being so thick, I am not going around in circles with you.
    8. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      We remove the word, we warn the player so he can learn and don't do the same thing again. That's why mods warn.
    9. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Read what I have said and try again.
    10. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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    11. Badlerner

      Badlerner Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2014
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      ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** just want to say, that, if someone swears , no matter what/or how they did, they are not allowed to, so you guys did good.
      • Like Like x 1
    12. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Can you not place hidden content on a staff report? If you have something to say, say it to everyone and not just to yourselves, stop misusing the hide command anyway.

      These mods, smh.

      P.S: theirs no rule stating to not post in forum reports.
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
    13. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      He is saying me and Yin did a good job. That's all.
    14. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      After some thought, Yin is actually decent. So despite this thread I decided to remove him from it, and just focus this report on Lola.. who is incompetent in every aspect.
    15. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Why am I incompetent?
    16. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      I explained this just a few posts up..

      Instead of banning or infracting members delete the post and leave it at that, this is a forum, people should not be banned for one day (in my case it was 2) for posting ONCE in the 'wrong section' seeing as no rules state that you cannot post there it's kinda a joke. It's the same with swearing. Yin did this correctly, he learned from what I said, someone swore and he didn't ban for it of course I called him bias but a few hours later I realized he learned how to moderate the forums correctly. You? You're not learning, you keep doing the same incorrect crap over and over.

      I did not report you with the intent to get you demoted, I reported you both to help you improve, Yin did, you did not and now my goal is to get you off the staff team so it'll finally be peaceful with one less powerabusive mod on it.
    17. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      3. Minor Offenses
      • Posting in Ban Appeals, Reports, or Help when not directly involved or adding evidence.
      • Repeat level 2 offences can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 3 infraction.
      Here is the link to it: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mineverse-rules-forum-in-game.26324/

      You swore once again on Pile_of_Butts' profile, but I didn't warn you, just edited the post.
      I gave you the minor offense that says there, and it banned you because of your recent warnings.
      I don't feel myself abusive in any way, and of course we need to give infractions and warnings because there's rule for it.
      We can't just delete the post or edit it then do nothing.
    18. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      I have no words. Just because you are mod on skyblock, this has no complete reason to come stuff around with our staff. You were infracted for posting in reports, stop trying to change the story. I don't come on skyblock and start saying stuff to your mods, do I?
    19. Zambiana

      Zambiana Well-Known Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Get your facts straight before you even bother to comment on a staff report, makes you look utter stupid. I was on Mineverse before you, I was staff here before you, I've held higher perms here than you. I know what I'm talking about, the fact is this is nothing new with Lola, I gave Yin the doubt because he actually improved, and I'm not sitting by and getting banned for absolutely ing nothing, I swore on Pile's profile once and got a 2 day ban for it, she's 30 years old for sake, I'm sure she can handle the word on her profile, if she doesn't want it there she can remove it. But no, Lola targeted me, she followed me and infracted me for every little thing. I posted on a report that wasn't touched for 3 days, 3! Then randomly she comes and bans me for doing her job.

      The point to this is banning for MINOR things is stupid, infracting for MINOR things is equally stupid, this is basic forum moderation and Lola is powerabusing by banning me for saying once, you have tools that you don't even use, the only thing you use is the infraction system. Me being a Moderator on Skyblock isn't even a debatable thing, who cares.. did I bring it up? Nope, so why did you? And even if you came to Skyblock and caused trouble I'd use my knowledge in how to moderate to deal with you and not just ban you as I'm not stupid. I'll give you a free crash course in how to moderate the forums.

      I was infracted for more than just posting in reports, read Lola's post and then scuttle away, you have no business here, now leave.
    20. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      Aight, fine by me. -leaves-
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