IGN: @Mrbenny Infraction: Rate Abusing/Like Farming BG Info:: Liked a TON of Ducky's posts, which made him go into the notable members list. Proof: http://prntscr.com/62kbmx just check his account Extra info: That's how Ducky gets his positives ;) Good luck mods with removing the likes. @fryzigg @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123 @Yin @ScoFu13 Get to workin'.
Deleted the off-topic posts, take it somewhere else please. I'll be dealing with this soon. Thank you.
Ok...So I deleted all the thread likes all is left is the status updates... @Ducky that requires me to delete those status updates...is that ok?
User has been dealt with for now. Leaving this open till we see what Ducky has to say about statuses.