He just Banned me for no reason and I didn't do anything Please Unbanned me soon and lets me play Parkour , Parkour is my favorouis mini game
You were in mid air. You were moving mid air. You flew down then started falling. I watched you before then too, you were not lagging.
ScoFu13 I know what you think, You think I'm hack but please watching it again if I hack is not like that I jump In Mid air I failling down On the MId air , and You see that Im sure you are Lagging Before because the normal people faill slower than that I watching your video
You see the last part it move very fast the Right and the Cobbstone on my hand i got some cobbstone on my hand because when i fail down and some cobbstone it down there i just got it in my inveroty
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** @ScoFu13 i think that was lagg as you can see when he fell it moved him to the ladders, like under it, that's where he was on his screen, but because of render lagg on yours it looked like he was flying, but actually he wasn't.(if he was hacking he would of flew back up when he fell or just tp'ed back up, that's what fly hackers usually do) this is what i think.
*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Yes, but as he starts to fall, he glides forward and then falls straight down. It could be the render lag, but that part is what makes me think otherwise. He has no history though so it could be on my end.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************hmm i'm going to keep watching the video just in case, but ok
I see hacking at the end when you glide then start falling. We can discuss this further in your ban appeal.
This could of been discussed in a Ban Appeal or Private Message. There was no need to create this thread. I'm going to archive this thread as it wasn't necessary in the first place.