:CypriotSmasher :kitkat6605910 http://i.gyazo.com/a73a01c79315297c4aa96f6a7861b9df.gif kitkat is a experienced moderator, she should not be "warned" for this.. she knows the rules.. she enforced them. and to kitkat, I love you.. and didn't want to do this.. but you've changed and I know I have as well.. but I believe this was the right thing to do. @ScoFu13
I in my pants when I was 4, It smelled like and I really just didnt want to deal with the i in my ty pants
This is also the man that thought I was scamming when I tried selling him my account because he has no idea what to do.
We know you aren't her mother, idiot. You're someone's alt trying to make fun of her. @Firo3000 should see this.