Your ingame name: Cryptic_Luxury The offender's ingame name: Dontchallengeme A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They used offensive slander against hrary which is homophobic language. I have been perm banned in the past for similar for similar offences, this definitely deserves a ban. Dontchallengeme has also used this type of language against me, although I don't have evidence of it. I don't think this language should be acceptable since there are little kids on this server that don't need to be introduced to this language. Evidence/screenshots-
Be patient, the report hasn't even been up for a day. But anyways, is that all he said? hrary told me he was joking & didn't get offended.
This is homophobic slander, either way, it could affect hrary in the future by how other people treat him. This deserves a ban either way, I was banned for a very similar offence, and I highly doubt that the person who I "offended" was offended. This language should not be accepted as it is exposed to young children that should not be hearing this type of language. Dontchallengeme sets a bad example and unfairly says things that aren't true. ScoFu13 told me that homophobic language was an insta ban, idk what all you mods are up to...
He still isn't allowed to say it anyways, he is right, if kids read that and tell their parents that they got it from here, then we probably would loose a player
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.