***********************************************************************************I banned the O0Donut dude. I don't know if Zero_Inzanity has hacks though. Any opinions?
I said I banned O0Donut for fastbow. But I'm not sure if Zero_Inzanity hacks. I want opinions from other mods that's all.
Okay i'm gonna go all 360 no scope camper in the bushes finding every bit of evidence like the game theorist.... 0:30 He just finished killing a guy as I ender up to him under him he auto Hits my with aura. 2:05 He is fighting me and you see he heals during the fight.. which is used by a Mod called Keybind mod... which is a solo mod which is used by it's own support mod... something other than Forge... and he isn't using a keybind mod because he told me that he uses optifine and Armour HUD. Which uses Forge which Keybind mod isn't compatible with and some hacked clients have access to these abilities to Keybind a key to a command. 2:24 He enderpearls to me but when he lands he automatically aims at me... twice... he enderpearled and used his aura...
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************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************From the last time I checked, no.