So i have been doing some Photoshop and i'm starting to enjoy making profile pics for people. Guys i'm the a pro and i'm not the worst. Here are some of the banners i made and profile picture i have made Im not able to upload the rest it won't let me but there is more so if you want one fill out this template 1. Ign 2. What Theme 3. What are you favorite colors? 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) 5. What would you like on your banner? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? Pending requests: Cosmic: status = Done Platinum: status = pending Vampiric: status =pending
CosmicGalaxy32 PvP Orange Banner please my skin holding a golden apple CosmicGalaxy32 Thanks! I was on my phone couldn't copy and paste. :-o
IGN: PlatinumDefend3 What Theme: Minecraft gaming What are your favorite colors? Green and black What would you like (banner, profile pic?) Banner What would you like on your banner? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) My Minecraft skin with an iron axe once on each side of the text. What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? ItzPlatinumYT (Title) Mod showcases, minigames, and more! (subtitle) Any extra notes on what you would like me to add? It needs to be 2048 x 1152 pixels
1. Ign: Vampiric_Hunter 2. What Theme: Christmas 3. What are you favorite colors? Red, blue, green 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) YT Banner 5. What would you like on your banner? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) MC character in iron armor shooting somebody with a bow. 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? for the text on the banner I'd like the channel name "VamPixelated" in red with a gray outline(The red text being like the one you have as an example) 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? N/A
1. Ign RACHETGrapes 2. What Theme PvP 3. What are you favorite colors? ANYTHING 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) Profile picture 5. What would you like on your banner? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) My guy in the middle with a sword with blood particles around it and RACHETGrapes somewhere 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)?
1. IGN: fred5678 2. What Theme: Watery/Swampy 3. What are you favorite colors? Blues, greens, purples 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?): Profile Picture 5. What would you like on your Profile Picture? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) My MC Skin and the name FreddoFrog or Freddo next to it, maybe behind the skin would be a minecraft swamp or something related to frogs xD 6. What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? FreddoFrog 7. Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? Nah it's explained above
1. Ign: shonal 2. What Theme: pvp? 3. What are you favorite colors? blue red orange 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) pic 5. What would you like on your banner? (your minecraft person/character snow man etc) shonal, jandalboi, raymondoman,helio2001, takamaheshe, BigWangInYoThang 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? RaxsNetwork 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? thanks!
1. Ign: DiddiGamingFTW <3 2. What Theme: Normal just Normal Minecraft 3. What are you favorite colors? Purple and green 4. What would u like (banner, profile pic?) Banner 5. What would you like on your banner? My minecraft person and I want him to hold a Gapple And then I want the Subtitle in front of the person 6.What heading/subtitle would you like me to add? DiddiGaming ( NOt FTW ) 7.Any extra notes on what you would like me to add (Optional)? No, you`re awesom if you could fix this <3